Thursday, March 2, 2017

Some more gardening stories...

Hello! I'm back! Trying to keep my promise to write  more.

So what  have I been doing? I haven't clayed the past days. I am still busy fixing the garden. I want to finish it first before I clay again. I've been cutting and cutting and cutting and cutting all the trees and branches not needed in the garden. So far the sun can already shine through some parts. A lot of dried leaves to rake so that the soil can be seen and will be dried under the sun.

We bought a ladder so that we can reach some of the branches that already shoot up higher than the house. It was delivered today! Very fast! I bought it online from ladders4u last Tuesday. I happily used it awhile ago to clean the gutter of the pergola. It was already clogged with leaves. So no more overflow now.

Hanging plants add joy to the garden! If only they can flower all year. :)

This is in front of the house. It was full of plants before. Flowering ones and succulents but they were already overgrown and not really good to look at. And I think I can't save them anymore. So I decided to just clean it up ( it was no easy task!) and will eventually plant an agave in the middle then rocks/pebbles will be put on around it.

That's it for now! Time for me to rest this aching body! I forgot to mention that gardening is like working out in the gym! Oh my! :)

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