Been very busy finishing an order. At last I am down to one last piece! yahoo! Now I can make something again for my challenge! I hope to finish the design that i have in mind this week! I'm so excited to start making it! :)
While I have no crafty things to blog about..I will just share with you the funny questions and musings of Liam, my adorable and "kulit" son:) I always get these questions everyday. Here are a few that I jotted down on paper so as not to forget. These are too precious not to remember!
Liam: What is a mommy?
Me: (still thinking of an answer)
Liam: It's a child care!
Liam: Do bats have a haircut? Do they use shampoo?
Liam: (teasing me) I'm going to eat you! Are you food?
Me: No :)
Liam: Why are you not?
Liam: Do you take care of me? Like eggs? Fragile (he reads this as Fran-jayl!), Pls. handle with care?
During a rainy day..
Liam: It's raining. Is Jesus taking a shower? or watering the garden? :)
I love answering his silly and serious questions! I think all parents will agree with me...thinking of clever answers to give to your children is really a challenge! :)
(here he is playing with the photobooth! Having a fun time taking a picture of the mouse! LOL)
I love this picture of him taken by his Daddy! Drinking his morning milk.:)
Have a good week everyone!